Yesterday was my ER and in my anesthesial and Valium induced fog, I forgot to post how it went. The procedure went smoothly and we got 8 eggs, the same number we got last cycle. I won't lie there were a few tears of disappointment. I had really hoped that the increased stims and more follicles at my monitoring appointments meant that we would get a few more eggs. The good news is that my RE thought that they all looked great. Also I keep reminding myself that we had 8 retrieved last time and made it to transfer, so we can do it again this time.
Right now I am waiting for my clinic to call with out fert report. They will be able to tell us how many were mature and how many fertilized. Last cycle we had 8R/7M/5F and ended up with one early blast on day 5. I am keeping my fingers crossed that we end up with more mature and more fertilized this cycle.
Sending a million good thoughts your way!