Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Day 21 of IVF #3 Monitoring Appointment #2

I had my second monitoring appointment today and my follies seem to be growing nicely.  The majority of my follicles are between 15 and 17mm, but I did have a few that are still at 13mm.  My lead follie on the right was up to 19mm today and the big surprise was that my largest follie on my lazy left ovary grew from 16mm to 20mm in 24 hours!  I have 3 decent size follies on the left and maybe 8-10 on the right (I lost count, so this is an estimate).  Hopefully this means that we will be able to retrieve a good number of eggs at retrieval.

I was given instructions to stim tonight and I will trigger tomorrow for retrieval on Friday.  They will call tomorrow with my time to trigger and my time for my ER on Friday.  I officially took my last (hopefully forever!) injection of follistim and menopur just minutes ago.  It's really bittersweet.  I've spent so much of the last 15 months doing infertility treatments or planning for treatment cycles.  I haven't put much thought into what it will be like to be done with treatments to be on the it her side of infertility.

This cycle feels different though, I can't explain it, but it feels good, it feels right.  I spent so much of the last two cycles nervous and terrified of the cycle failing.  This cycle, for some reason, I'm not nervous or scared (or at least not right now).  I am also nowhere near as stressed as I was the last two cycles, despite both DH and I being really busy at work.  Maybe it's just because this is our third round of IVF and I am an old hat at this stuff, but I would like to think that this is a sign that this is our cycle.


  1. I'm so glad that your progress looks great and that you're feeling so good. I have everything crossed for you guys!!

  2. I've said it before, and I'll say it a bajillion times more: I'm hoping third time's the charm!! For both of us!!!

    I also want to add that (even though I haven't really started yet) I also feel a lot less nervous for #3. Somehow, at least at the moment, I am at peace with the thought that it will be what it will be.
