Not much to update, still stimming away. I did realize today how much meds I've wasted the last 2 cycles. My clinic has always told me to save my extra follistim (overfill in the vials) and if I end up stimming longer than average, I can use the overfill for my last dose. In both of my last 2 cycles, I never needed the extra and it expires 28 days after opening it. This time I pulled the overfill into an insulin syringe and then injected it back into the vial I have been injecting out of the last two days. I probably got around 300 IU out of the overfill of two 900 IU vials. If I stim the same number of days as last time, I might end up with an extra 300 IU cartridge that I won't even need to open!
Anyway, tomorrow is the big day (or the first big day in a series of big days). It's my first monitoring appointment. I'll get to finally see what's going on with my ovaries. The bad part about this being IVF #3 is that in my head I keep comparing this cycle to my previous two. Am I feeling more in my ovaries this cycle? Am I more bloated? I think I feel my left ovary more than I did last cycle, maybe that's a sign that I am actually going to have some follies on it this cycle. I can drive myself crazy if I don't make myself stop.
The other elephant in the room is that my RE had told us we could cancel the cycle if we aren't seeing the response we want. I just don't know if I could make the decision to cancel. I feel like I am all in at this point, it's now or never. Since I think we have pretty much decided that this is the last cycle we are doing with my eggs, I think we will see this cycle through. I really hope that we get more eggs this cycle. My goal in my head is 10 eggs. This probably means I am going to need 12-15 decent sized follies, so I really need my left ovary to play this cycle!
My fingers are crossed hard for you, Twinkie!! C'mon lefty!!!