Thursday, May 1, 2014

CD 13 Lining Check

I officially suck at blogging.

Anyway today was CD 13 the day of my lining check.  It has been a crazy day.  First Thursday is apparently my local RE's late day, so the earliest appointment I could get was 10:00 am.  I get there and the office is pretty busy.  I finally get called back for my u/s and my lining looks perfect, 10.2 mm (donor clinic looks for at least 7 mm) and triple striped.  Now all I need is my blood work.  I couldn't get it done before my appointment because my RE's office has the order and of course the lab is a little busy after my appointment, but I get everything taken care of by 11:00am.  Now the wait begins.

At 2:00 PM (in the middle of a meeting of course) I get a call from my donor clinic.  They don't have my monitoring.  They ask me to have them fax my u/s results so they can at least make sure they are ok.  I call my clinic and they just got my blood work back, but they are pretty busy.  I let them know that I really need the results faxed soon since the other clinic closes at 4:00  pm EST, which is in an hour.

I spend the next hour nervously watching my phone.  At a few minutes after 3:00 pm (4:00 eastern) I get a call from my donor clinic RE.  We are good to transfer!  I start PIO and antibiotics tonight.  The plan is to thaw my 6 day 2 embryos and grow them to blast and transfer two of them.  If we don't get two blasts we'll thaw our 3 blasts and re freeze any extras.  He said that on average 1 in 3 make it to blast, so hopefully we'll get at least 2 out if our 6 day 2 embryos.  I think our donor couple had a better than average blast rate from the half of the embryos they grew to blast, so I have my fingers crossed that we might get more than 2.

I finalized our travel arrangements this evening.  We are flying out Tuesday morning and flying home on Thursday.  I can't believe how quickly this process has went.  I should be PUPO this time next week, crazy.


  1. That is awesome. Less than a week! :)

  2. I can't believe how quickly it's gone either!! WOW, this is so exciting!!

  3. Yay! Sorry you had the drama with your local RE not getting the results to your RE in a timely manner but that is GREAT that you are good to go!
